Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Art of the Animated GIF - Product

The Art of The Animated GIF – Product
Creation of GIF’s 
As part of my project, I wanted to create my own set of GIF’s to include in my presentation. I wanted to show that it actually is very simple once you get the hang of it and understand the technical specifications of GIF’s themselves.

I tried out many different tools that can be used to create GIF’s. I eventually decided upon going with the website Giphy. Giphy is a free website centring around GIF’s. Users can use their tools to create their own or search for GIF’s created by other users by using the search feature. It’s a simple and very user-friendly website. 

To create my GIF’s, I created an account on the GIPHY website, and then navigated to the ‘Create’ section. From there you can add a set of images to create a slideshow GIF or input a URL from YouTube or Vimeo and GIPHY will take the section that you desire to be turned into a GIF and do it for you. You can trim the video, select specific sections of the video turned into a GIF. Along with this you can also add effects such as captions, stickers and filters to change how it looks. 

Upon completing this project, I had to create a PowerPoint presentation on the work I had undertaken over the last few weeks. I wanted to discuss everything I had research and talk about my thoughts and opinions are. In my presentation I talked about what GIF’s are and where they came from, what they are used for today, what tools are out there to create GIF’s and how they’re used, and finally demonstrate how I went about creating my own GIF’s. At the end I included a section for the audience to ask my any questions they may have after listening to my presentation. 

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