Monday, December 16, 2019

Image Visualisation - Reflection

Image Visualisation – Reflection
What we learned
During the course of this mission, my group and I learned a lot about image visualisation. We learned how you can look at things very differently if they are portrayed in a different manner than you’re used to. We learned how to collaborate effectively when all of your work is in a digital form (communication, file sharing etc). On top of these things we also gained new abilities in softwares such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Photoshop. Even though I had previous experience with them, I felt like I was still learning new things about them such as how to more efficiently carry out whatever task it is that I’m doing or even just learn something new with the software altogether. 

As I said previously in this post, I felt like I was constantly learning new things in photoshop and premiere pro, which I didn’t think I would, so that’s always nice. Personally, this was my favourite mission to work on so far for a few reasons. I liked that I didn’t have to stand up in front of an audience and speak to them with the aid of a powerpoint presentation as that can be extremely stressful for me. I also really enjoy video editing as a pastime, so it’s always great when I can use it as a project for college, as it’s something I’m already passionate about so it increases my focus and drive to create something that I’m proud of. 

In comparison to the other missions, there were far less challenges that I faced during this one. I was fairly comfortable with all of the software that we were using already. The only thing I can really think of that could be considered a challenge was something that we just overlooked, a small error. It was for one of the movie scenes images, when they were overalyed together the final image was relatively dark. Now this seemed fine for the most part because none of us could see a problem with it on our own computers but when we were playing our video presentation it came out almost completely pitch black, so it was impossible for anybody to tell what it was. It felt nice that the only challenge was a small error that could easily be fixed. 

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